School Hours & Attendance

Regular attendance is important for the progress of your child. Students are expected at school by the first bell at 8.50 am so that they can get their class materials ready to start the days learning activities. The school recognizes students with 100% attendance records at assemblies each term and presents them with a certificate. A whole class average attendance trophy is presented each month to the grade with the highest average.
It is Department Policy that we make contact with parents on the day of a student’s absence. The school will make contact with parents via our Compass SMS system by 10am on the day of a student’s absence. Whenever possible a phone call to the school on the day would be appreciated or alternatively absences can also be submitted via our school app Compass. Children may be picked up by parents for dental or medical appointments via the school office.
If children arrive at school after 9.00am they must be signed into school at the office before going to their classroom.
Gates will be locked at 9.15am, after which, access is via the front of the school.
Sick children – the best place for children who are ill is at home. They are unable to work effectively at school and may be a danger to other children. It is important that we are able to contact parents, or an adult, who will take responsibility in cases of illness or accidents. Staff need to be made aware of any problems – especially physical ones that may cause difficulties. Please indicate this information on the enrolment form or give the information to the child’s teacher. It is important that you keep information of this nature up to date, including a contact phone number.