Our comprehensive curriculum programs are based on the Victorian Curriculum.  This covers domains such as English, Maths, Science, Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Technologies, Critical and Creative Thinking, Humanities, Ethical and Intercultural Capabilities and Personal and Social Capabilities.

Language Arts

To develop in children the ability to listen, speak, read and write, so that they can express themselves with confidence and pleasure.


To help children gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts of size, order, time, space, money, value and numbers. To develop accuracy in the computational skills that each needs with such speed as is consistent with their general ability and thought processes. To develop ‘general everyday’ problem solving skills using the Applied Maths Program and Task Centre material as the starting point for this program.

Creative Activities

To develop in the children an awareness of their own abilities to express themselves through art, craft, music, drama and movement and an appreciation of the expression of others in these areas.

Studies Of Society And Environment

To develop in the children knowledge, understanding and tolerance related to the world, both past and present, so that they become increasingly aware of:

(a) their place in the local society and the wider society, and,
(b) relationships with other people.


To foster an understanding of the environment and of the scientific method. To develop manipulative skills in the correct use of scientific apparatus and methods.

Physical Recreation

To provide an awareness of the physical capabilities of the human body and the contribution that physical fitness make towards personal well-being. To develop the skills necessary for enjoyment and self satisfaction in the fields of athletics, dance, gymnastics, swimming, major and minor games (Aussie Sports Program), and camping so that all pupils are willing to participate in a wide variety of physical activities.

L.O.T.E. – Indonesian

To provide a language program including cultural awareness of Indonesia.


To provide and develop each students skills in this curriculum area.